Sunday, April 01, 2007

How about me?

今天煲了点鸡汤给沈阿姨拿去了.我对做饭是很没有信心的那种, 把鸡放在瓦罐里,胡乱地放了一些党参,当归人参狗杞子红枣胡罗卜,小火砘了5个小时,没有想到味道蛮好的.
I cooked chicken soup for MS Sheng today. I am not good at cooking. But to my surprise the soup tastes was really good because I put some Chinese medicine with chicken and had been boiling it for 5 hours last night.

下午去了SHEFIELD看朋友JING PIN和T她的家人. JING PIN的儿子转眼已经1岁3个月了,而且她又有了3个月的身孕. 所以她的公婆决定带着她的儿子回国住一段时间.儿子还没有走,JIN PIN 已经哭过好多回了.JIN PIN 5年前就从SHEFIELD 大学MBA毕业了,而且有很好的工作.这回为了LG 和孩子, 她已经换了一份自己不喜欢的轻松的工作了.学位
I went to the Shefield to see my friend Jing Pin and her families this afternoon. Time goes so fast Jing Pin's son is already one year and three mouths now, and Jing Pin got 3 mouths pregnant again, her mother and farther in law had decided to take their grandson going back China for a while as thay can help Jing Pin have a good rest. Jing Pin graduated from Shefield University 5 years ago and got MBA degree, then she got very good job in a big company, but recently she changed another job for looking after her husband and her child.

做女人很不容易啊! 做一个好女人更不容易. JING PIN 是个好女人. 我呢?
It is not easy to be a mum and wife! Jing Pin is a good wife and mum. How about me?

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