Saturday, March 31, 2007

沈阿姨的泪 The tears

Today I cooked some food and went to the hosipital. To my surprise she cried likes a child when I opened lid of my food container to her.

I understand! If the people in the hosipital, always worrying about thier surgery,thinking about their future if they are not be able to recover; If the people in the hosipital must be very lonly and hopeless without relatives and friends companying; The people in the hosipital are very sensitiv, are very easy to fear about their actions involved the nurses. People in the hosipital always remember their old time, old friends and the things happened in the long time ago were right or not. People in the hosipital might blame themself English are very bad, can't explain their meaning to the doctors clearly---, oh my God, Ms Sheng can't speak English.

我怎么可以忘记自己住在医院的情景呢? 我曾经那样孤独地躺在病床上,幻想着自己可以站起来---.躺在病床上的幻想是那样令人陶醉.
How can I forget what happened when I was in the hosipital? I ever lay on the bed flet so lonly and fantansied I can stand up in someday---. This kind of fantansy made myself felt better.

只是,主耶酥没有阻止住坚强的沈阿姨的泪.是的,她是那样地仰赖主, 可是她也是血肉的身躯,她一定在想念她的儿女,想念她的爱人(她早已离婚)----.
My Loard can't prevent Mr Sheng's tear. Yes, she count upon Jesus so much, but she is a human being, she certainly miss her children and her lover although she had divorce many years ago.

所以, 无论如何,一定不要忽视生病中的年老的亲人,我们的父母把最宝贵的时光和财富都无条件地给了我们, 我们不能让他们流下孤独的泪,特别是当他们在医院的时候.
SO my dear friends, whatever, we can't ignore the old parents if they were taken ill. The most precious and invaliable time of our parents have been given to their children without asking any rewards, we can't allowed parents tearing because of their loneness especially when they are in the hosipital.

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