Friday, March 30, 2007

上海女人--沈阿姨 Shanghai lady--Ms Sheng

昨天听说沈阿姨生癌症住院动了手术,心中一沉.今天打听到她的医院地址后,赶紧去看她.见到她后,听她说只是直肠癌的早期, 开的是切除手术,便松了口气.
My heart is quite heavy after somebody told me Ms Sheng had cancer and did first stage operation in the hospital, I went to the City Hospital to see her tonight.

Ms Sheng comes from Shanghai, she is nearly 60 years old,she had very high education in China when she was young. I was told she suffered a lot in her life.It is a miracle that she could come to England and can enjoy the life in here.

她是一个与众不同的人,没有一般家庭妇女的庸俗,比较多的是知识女性的智慧,理解,和不拘小节. 她几年前信了主, 是个虔诚的基督徒.也是我信主的过程中最对我影响最大的人.看到病床中的她很安详,一点也感受不到她正在受病痛的折磨,其实圣灵早已住在了她心中.
In my mind she is a Chinese lady out of standing and without any philistinism, compare others there are more knowlege, wisdom, understanding on her. A few years ago she became a very devotional Christian. She is the most effect person to me when I become a Christian. When I saw she was quite sedateness on the bed, I understood Holy Spirit is living in her, because I can't feel her painful even she caught a such disease.

"人生茫茫,苦大于乐, 信主的还可以依靠主"临走时她告诉我.我不知说什么, 我不是一个好的基督徒.我KISS了她,并告诉她,这几天我会给她煲汤和做饭,因为我知道,医院的饭实在是很难吃.
"life is boundless, suffering is more than happiness, we can rely on our lord if we believe" she told me before I left her. I didn't know what I should say, because I am not a good Christian. I just kissed her and told her I will cook some food for her when she is in the hosipital.

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