13/09/2006 Wednesday
I walked across a plain
Of falling flowering snow
And gentle dancing rain
I have been makeing fabric for 2 days now. It is so difficult to me but it is so interesting. I still have loads work to do with it. John always be there helping me when I have problems in making fabrics, so I am not alone.
My classmate Oliver trys to treat me as an English lady, he explain many things to me, unfortunately his English is too elegant to let me understand.
There is a lady whose name is Jade responsible for printing in Jacksonmill,today her "charming behaviour" let me cry. John let me go to her room to check colour, and the "tranfer colour" hang on the wall, it is be written:" can't move", so I just stay in her room checking fabric coulur. When she saw me, she was extremly angry she used her all strength closing the door and shouting to me. Her face was so red, her eyes was so big, she scared me, really.
A stuff in the university is so vulgar. No any polite! I had been seeing her have done a lot of jobs like washing cups, empty bins ect,I supose she was not in good mood when she saw me. But there is no excuse she treat me like this!
Fabric can't be made in 1 hour, so the person who has patience and be polite can make good fabric, likes John.